Tuesday 20 September 2011

Eric Chessen's Pac Profile Assessment Toolbox

Eric Chessen, the leading authority in Autism Fitness has released his proprietary Pac Profile Assessment toolbox to help administrators, practitioners and parents help assess and create a "real" fitness program for anyone on the Autism Spectrum.

Check it out!

Aspergers Characteristics - Do You Recognize These Signs?


For a disorder which effects around 1 in every 300 children, there appears to be a lot of confusion over what exactly constitutes characteristics of Aspergers. Let's take a look at some of the most common Aspergers characteristics and the way the may manifest themselves in your child.

Cognitive Learning

Aspergers children may demonstrate outstanding attention to detail and rote learning. However, whereas children who are generally exceptional may display higher cognitive abilities across the spectrum, a characteristic of Aspergers may see sufferers displaying low skill sets in other areas, primarily language and communication. They may also be hampered by unregulated fears and impaired judgment in situations which create fear, and prefer rigid or formalised daily routine and structure.


Aspergers characteristics can at times manifest themselves in what may, without further scrutiny, appear to be advanced vocabulary skills. It is somewhat ironic however that children with Aspergers may be able to use a rhetoric based on stock phrases or phrases taken from other people to present a facade of advanced linguistic ability, when in fact their cognitive development in this area may be stilted from around 5 years and beyond. A characteristic of Aspergers in this regard may be stilted speech, difficulties adjusting volume and speed, repetition of words or phrases (echolalia) and problems understanding some language and figures of speech.

Emotional Characteristics

Hyper responsive reaction to external stimuli is a significant problem for children with Aspergers, and is often accompanied by expression of hurt, anger, frustration and anxiety.

Obsessive preoccupations with a theme, collection, or a tendency toward ideas are also key characteristic of Aspergers, as are continued or repetitive activities and actions. Emotional cues may also become fixated, and an incident early in the day may 'set the tone' for the entire day.
Child Aspergers can also manifest itself clearly in children who exhibit the inability to differentiate social cues, such as facial expression, body language, rules of interaction, eye contact, humour and sarcasm.

These are just some of the characteristics of Aspergers which can be used for the purposes of Aspergers syndrome diagnosis. Trying to diagnose Aspergers can be a difficult, and at times harrowing experience for parents (and sufferers).

Want more information?

Before spending thousands in consultancy fees, be 'in the know' by discovering insider tips about the Characteristics of Aspergers Syndrome Here

View the original article here

Nurturing Your Aspergers Child :

 Learn successful parenting strategies for kids with Aspergers Syndrome, including a point system and chore charts. Full of key ideas.

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Monday 19 September 2011

Asbergers Syndrome Symptoms & Diagnosis

Hans Asperger (1944) first described Asbergers Syndrome (AS) as a severe disorder characterized by major difficulties in social interaction, and restricted and unusual patterns of interest and behavior. Asbergers is a neurobiological condition which falls within the group of childhood disorders classified as 'pervasive development disorders'. Aspergers syndrome is now classified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

High Functioning Asbergers Syndrome (HFA) is a much milder and more treatable form of AS, which may actually confer some intellectual advantages. Both forms of Asbergers is more prevalent in boys than girls.

The primary symptoms of Asbergers disorder are as follows:

1. Severe impairment of social reasoning & interaction including:

-A reduced appreciation of non-verbal communication, such as eye contact, body language, and facial expressions.

-A latency in developing age appropriate peer relationships.

-A lack of reciprocity, and spontaneity in engaging in shared interests with others, coupled with a notable lack of empathetic emotion.

2. Repetative patterns of behavior including:

-A pre-occupation with an interest or activity, often singular objects or parts of objects, which is extenuated by abnormal focus and intensity.

-Rigid adherence to routines or rituals.

-Repetative motor activities such as finger tapping, head motion, or more complex body movements.

In addition to the Asberger's syndrome symptoms above, many professionals will include other behavior as part of their Aspergers diagnostic criterea. A hightened response to sensory stimuli, latent gross motor skills, sleep disturbances and high pain tolerance are just some of the additional factors which may be attributable to a positive Asbergers diagnosis.

Being able to recognize Asbergers syndrome symptoms can be an important factor in early diagnosis, treatment and behavior management. Unlike the subjective withdrawal characteristically associated with autism, people with aspergers syndrome are vulnerable to becoming isolated as a consequence of their underdeveloped social skills. This is notwithstanding any desire they may in fact have for continued interaction with their peers.

Want more information? Before spending thousands in consultancy fees, be 'in the know' by discovering insider tips about the Characteristics of Asbergers Syndrome Here.

View the original article here

Sunday 18 September 2011

Aspergers and Discipline - Real Strategies to Deal With Aspergers Behavior


Disciplining children displaying asperger characteristic behavior will often require an approach which is somewhat unique to that of other children. Finding the balance between understanding the needs of a child with aspergers and discipline which is age appropriate and situationally necessary is achievable when applying some simple but effective strategies. These strategies can be implelented both at home or in more public settings.

General Behaviour Problems

Traditional discipline may fail to produce the desired results for children with Aspergers syndrome, primarily because they are unable to appreciate the consequences of their actions. Consequently, punitive measures are apt to exacerbate the type of behavior the punishment is intended to reduce, whilst at the same time giving rise to distress in both the child and parent.

At all times the emotional and physical wellbeing of your child should take priority. Often this will necessitate removing your child from a potentially disressing situation as soon as possible. Consider maintaining a diary of your child's behavior with a view to ascertaining patterns or triggers. Recurring behavior may be indicative of a child taking some satisfaction in receiving a desired response from peers, parents or teachers.

For example, a child with Aspergers may come to understand that hurting another child in class will result in his being removed from class, notwithstanding the associated consequence to his peer. The solution may not be most effectively rooted in punishing the child for the behavior, or even attempting to explain the situation from the perspective of their injured peer, but by treating the root cause behind the motivation for the misbehavior...for example, can the child be made more comfortable in class so that they will not want to leave it?

One of the means to achieve this may be to focus on the positive. Praise for good behavior, and reinforcement by way of something like a Reward Book, can assist. The use of encouraging verbal cues delivered in a calm tone are likely to elicit more beneficial responses than the harsher verbal warnings which might be effective on children who are not displaying some sort of Asperger characteristic. If necessary, when giving directions to cease a type of misbehavior, these should also be couched as positives rather than negatives. For example, rather than telling a child to stop hitting his brother with the ruler, the child should be directed to put the ruler down.

Obsessive or Fixated Behaviour

Almost all children go through periods of development where they become engrossed in one subject matter or another, but children with Aspergers often display obsessive and repetitive characteristics, which can have significant implications for behaviour.

For example, if an Aspergers child becomes fixated upon reading a particular story each night, they may become distressed if this regime is not adhered to, or if the story is interrupted. Again, the use of a behavior diary can assist in identifying fixations for your child. Once a fixation is identified, it is important to set appropriate boundaries for your child. Providing a structure within which your child can explore the obsession can assist in then keeping the obsession within reasonable limits, without the associated angst which might otherwise arise through such limitations. For example, tell your child that they may watch their favourite cartoon for half an hour after dinner, and make clear time for that in their routine.

It is appropriate to utilise the obsession to motivate and reward your child for good behaviour. Always ensure any reward associated with positive behavior is granded immediately to assist the child recognising the nexus between the two.

A particularly useful technique to try to develope social reciprocity is to have your child talk for five minutes about a particularly favoured topic after they have listened to you talk about an unrelated topic. This serves to help your child understand that not everyone shares their enthusiasm for their subject matter.

Bridging The Gap Between Aspergers and Discipline and Other Siblings

For siblings without Aspergers syndrome, the differential and what at times no doubt appears to be preferential treatment recieved by an Aspergers sibling can give rise to feelings of confusion and frustration. Often they will fail to understand why their brother or sister apparently seems free to behave as they please without the normal constraints placed upon them.

It is important to explain to siblings, or peers of Aspergers children and encourage open discussion about the disorder itself. Encouragement should extend to the things siblings can do to assist the Aspergers child, and this should be positively reinforced through acknowledgement when it occurs.

Sleep Difficulties

Aspergers Children are renouned for experiencing sleep problems. Children with Aspergers may have lesser sleep requirements, and as such are more likely to become anxious about sleeping, or may find they become anxious when waking during the night or early in the morning.

Combat your child's anxiety by making their bedrooms a place of safety and comfort. Remove or store items which might be prone to injur your child if they decide to wander at night. Include in the behavioral diary a record of your child's sleep patters. It may assist your child if you keep a list of their routine, including dinner, bath time, story and bed, in order to provide structure. Include an image or symbol of them waking in the morning to provide assurance as to what will happen. Social stories have proven to be a particularly successful tactic in decreasing a child's anxiety by providing clear instructions on how part of their day is likely to play out.

At School

Another Asperger characteristic is that children will often experience difficulty during parts of the school day which lack structure. If left to their own devices their difficulties with social interaction and self management can result in anxiety. The use of a buddy system can assist in providing direction, as can the creation of a timetable for recess and lunch times. These should be raised with class teachers and implemented with their assistance.

Explain the concept of free time to your child, or consider providing a seperate purpose or goal for your child during such time, such as reading a book, or helping to set up paint and brushes for the afternoon tasks.

In Public

Children with Aspergers can become overwhelmed to the point of distress by even a short sourjourn in public. The result is that many parents with Aspergers simply seek to avoid as much as possible situations where their child is exposed to the public. Whilst expedient, it may not offer the best long term solution to your child, and there are strategies to assist with outings.

Consider providing your child with an ipod, or have the radio on in the car to block out other sounds and stimuli. Prepare a social story or list explaining to the child a trip to the shops, or doctor. Be sure to include on the list your return home. Consider giving your child a task to complete during the trip, or having them assist you. At all times, maintaining consistency when dealing with Aspergers and discipline is key. It pays to ensure that others involved in your child's care are familiar with your strategies and techniques, such as those outlined above, and are able to apply them.

Most importantly, don't hesitate to seek support networks for parents with Aspergers syndrome, and take advantage of the wealth of knowledge those who have dealt with the disorder before you have developed. The assistance you can gain from these and other resources can assist you in developing important strategies to deal with problems with Aspergers in a manner most beneficial to your child.

Want more information? Before spending thousands in consultancy fees, be 'in the know' by discovering insider tips about the recognition, diagnosis and management of Aspergers Syndrome Here

View the original article here

Vaccine Risks Report

65% Commission-affiliates: Toxic Ingredients, Side Effects, Autism & Mercury, Know Your Rights & Choices!

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Saturday 17 September 2011

BrainWorks Sensory Diet Creator for Autism and Spd

Brainworks is the premier sensory diet creation tool. Sensory diets are designed primarily for those with Autism and other Sensory Processing Disorders.

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Essential Guide To Autism -


 * Discover Vital Information About Autism & Check For Autistic Traits - Get What Really Works.


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Live Free: Yeast-Free Gluten-Free

Professionally written guide to combat Candida, Autism, Fibromyalgia, Food Allergies, Stress, Arthritis, and more! Also includes outstanding Yeast Free Recipes and tips on how to prepare these great-tasting recipes.

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Friday 16 September 2011


Aspergers Guide

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Vaccination is Not Immunization - Vaccine Risks Exposed

Doctor's book informs parents about vaccine problems, the link to autism, the swine flu scam & more. Ends the confusion on whether they should vaccinate or not. Many doctor testimonials. Affiliates page: http://www.immunitionltd.com/affiliates.html

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Thursday 15 September 2011

How To Create Your Own Amazing Cosmic Star Ceiling

Easily create a Cosmic Star Ceiling. Step-by-step guide will teach anyone how to complete a star mural on their childs bedroom ceiling in an afternoon. Invisible by day - incredible at night. It will result in a jaw-dropping experience for your child!

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Wednesday 14 September 2011

Aspergers Symptoms & Aspergers Diagnosis


As there are no specific genetic or biological markers indicative of a person being afflicted with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Aspergers diagnosis is as a matter of necessity based on behavior. The Autism Spectrum Disorder ("ASD") is used to describe a series of related disorders which can include Aspergers disease, autism, Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified ("PDD-NOS") and is often displayed in conjunction with ADHD.

For those looking to identify Aspergers symptoms as a precursor to Aspergers diagnosis, there are three main areas of difficulty which are common to people with Aspergers. These are:

1.Impairment in social interaction

2.Impairment in communication

3.Restricted and/or repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests and activities

Not all sufferers will display each Aspergers symptoms and the severity and presence of each symptom may vary. However, Aspergers typically manifests in childhood, with onset and diagnosis being possible from approximately 3 years and over.

Social Interaction Impairment

Whilst Aspergers symptoms can be varied, they frequently include marked difficulties with nonverval behavior such as interpreting body language, eye contact, understanding or utilising appropriate facial expression, and other cues commonly associated with regulating social expression. Frequently this type of Aspergers symptom will impact upon a persons capacity to form relationships within their peer group, and can be accompanied by an apparent lack of social empathy or an inability to see the perspectives of others. In children, this extends beyond age appropriate egocentricity.

Difficulties With Communication

Delayed development of linguistic abilities when accompanied with an inability to adopt an alternative strategy to communicate is one of the recognised Aspergers Symptoms. Whilst language development may appear normal, people with Aspergers will often utilize repetative speech patterns, and be delivered with an absence of varying tone or pitch.

Restricted Behavior, Interests & Activities

When considering whether an Aspergers diagnosis may be needed, one of the symptoms to be aware of is when an intense interest in one specific type of activity is prevalent. Such interests may be diverse, but tend towards a focus on a part rather than a whole. For example, it may be a fascination with spinning a wheel on a toy truck, or a pre-occupation with something as seemingly mundane as a fan motor. What is significant is that the interest consumes an unusual quantity of time and focus.

Similarly, two other Aspergers Symptoms are an inflexibility in changes in routine, and the associated distress with any such changes. When anxious, people with Aspergers disorder may be prone to repetative mannerisms which are indicative of hightened stress levels, such as finger flicking or hand motions.

Other Behavior Symptomatic Of Aspergers

In addition to the Asperger's syndrome symptoms above, many professionals will include other behavior as part of their Aspergers diagnostic criterea. A hightened respose to sensory stimuli, latent gross motor skills, sleep disturbances and high pain tolerance are just some of the additional factors which may be attributable to a positive Aspergers diagnosis.

If you are concerned that a loved one or child may be suffering from Aspergers syndrome, there is a large body of information available to assist in taking the first positive steps towards diagnosis and management. Whilst the precise cause of Aspergers is not yet known, there are established methods of treatment, and early diagnosis of asperger's syndrome in children can be instrumental in minimizing the impact Aspergers may have on the sufferer.

Want more information? Before spending thousands in consultancy fees, be 'in the know' by discovering insider tips about the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of Aspergers Syndrome Here

View the original article here

Yeast Free Cooking - $9.99

A Delicious Cookbook full of great cooking tips, easy, yet yummy recipes and a healthy eating guide to combat Autism, Candida, Fibromyalgia, Food Allergies, Arthritis, and more! Also includes a complete guide to a Yeast Free Diet. Lose Weight, too!

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From Awkward Solitude to Blessed Friendship

What you need to know to help your child improve social skills and win friends for life.

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Tuesday 13 September 2011

Parenting Aspergers Volume 3

The latest of the best-selling Parenting Aspergers ebook series.

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Asperger and School - How to Make Sure Your Child Loves Their Education

Often one of the biggest issues for a parent of a child with Aspergers is how will my child cope with school and Aspergers? There are few Asperger school facilities specifically catering to the needs of children and as such a normal school environment, or home schooling, are the only possibilities. There are some strategies though which can help your child deal with the uncertainty and anxiety which can arise out of this new environmental challenge.

Children with Aspergers syndrome can benefit significantly from a structured and clear routine. The most effective routines are one which span their entire day, from getting up in the morning, to getting back into bed at night. Ideally, such a routine will provide structure without excessive rigidity, so as to provide certainty to your child without causing undue anxiety if for some reason the routine cannot be exactly complied with on any given day.

Planning a child's morning routine can be particularly important in providing a launching pad into a school day, and a child with Aspergers Syndrome can benefit from visual reminders, either by way of lists or story boards which help provide instructions.

If your child is about to start school, it is essential that you attend at the school with your child prior to the first day. If possible, you might consider approaching the school and inquiring whether they will facilitate your child being taken through a shortened version of the school day prior to other students being in attendance.

If the school is prepared to facilitate this, meet with the teacher of your child and ensure your child is clear on the school routine and the expectations which will be placed on them.

Again, children with Aspergers can benefit from a list or story card of how their day will progress, in order that they can refer to it and be clear on what is happening now and what will happen next. A copy should also be provided to their teacher, or even prepared with their input.

It will assist if the teacher is conscious of your child's needs so that if there is to be any significant change in routine they can advise your child before hand. This has the inherrent mutual benefit to the teacher of avoiding anxiety or outbursts from your child in circumstances where a change of routine causes distress.

One important factor you might consider drawing to the teachers attention is that at times during the day Aspergers children may provaricate or obsess over a topic of choice, or display repetitive behavior. This is often indicative of an Asperger's child dealing with anxiety, and whilst it may seem inappropriate, can serve to maintain stability. An understanding approach to these interludes from your child's teacher will assist more than a disciplinarian one.

Closing out the day at home with a scheduled routine can also assist. Include time to review the day with your child, complete homework,

Often children with Asperger's will experience sleep difficulties so a night time routine, whilst not remarkably different in nature to any child, should be more strictly adhered to. In addition, a bedroom environment as free from extraneous sensory stimuli, such as bright light or noise, can also assist an Aspergers child in sleeping.

An Asperger's child has a need for routine and the importance of providing one cannot be overstated, and is apt to reduce the stress in both your life, and that of your child.

Want more information? Before spending thousands in consultancy fees, be 'in the know' by discovering insider tips about the recognition, diagnosis and treatment of Aspergers Syndrome Here.

View the original article here

Monday 12 September 2011

Conquer Autism Now

Learn to treat and conquer autism! This new Book teaches you to recognize the causes, signs and symptoms of autism and Asd unique to your child. Set up a personalized treatment program to effectively help your child. Advice on diet,school,safety,more.

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The Parenting Aspergers Resource Guide Volume 2

The much awaited follow to The Parenting Aspergers Resource Guide. It covers the 7 Most Common Problem Areas for Children with Aspergers and How To Cope with Them.

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Complete Autism Package

1 in 166 babies have autism and disorder is affecting more families daily. 75% Comm, Pro copywriter, Phd interview with autism Expert trained by famous Dr. Andrew Weil. autismsymptoms1.com/affiliates.html

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Sunday 11 September 2011

The Parenting Aspergers Resource Guide

. A Complete Resource Guide for Parents who have Children diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome. Affliate tools at www.parentingaspergers.com/affiliate.htm

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The Parenting Autism Resource Guide

. A Complete Resource Guide For Parents Who Have Children Diagnosed With Autism. For affiliate tools go to www.parentingaspergers.com/affiliate.htm

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Saturday 10 September 2011

Autism, Aspergers, Asd - Help and Advice for Parents

Affiliates earn 60% commission - http://autism-aspergers-asd.com/Affiliates.html Package has 4 books called "Rules of The Game" plus 3 Bonus Workbooks. Author is Academically Qualified with 13 years experience as Both a Mother and a Consultant to Parents.

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The Essential Guide to Aspergers Syndrome - * $18.67 Payout! 55% Com

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I Have Asperger's Black T-Shirt Autism Dark T-Shirt by CafePress

I Have Asperger's Black T-Shirt Autism Dark T-Shirt by CafePressLet the world know: I have Asperger's, so GET OVER IT Autism Tee, TShirt, Shirt. About our Dark T-Shirt: Look cool without breaking the bank. Our durable, high-quality, pre-shrunk 100% cotton t-shirt is what to wear when you want to go comfortably casual. Preshrunk, durable and guaranteed.5.6 oz. 100% cotton. Standard fit..

Price: $25.00

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Friday 9 September 2011

Earobics Step 2 Home Version: Sound Foundations for Reading & Spelling

Earobics Step 2 Home Version: Sound Foundations for Reading & SpellingBuilding on the foundation of phonological awareness, phonics, and auditory processing skill training delivered by Earobics Step 1, Earobics Step 2 also teaches language comprehension skills that are critical for extracting meaning from spoken language and written text. Earobics Step 2 features five interactive games with 593 levels that teach the essential skills required for learning how to read and spell. Recommended for ages 7-11.

Price: $66.00

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TriEnza with DPP IV Activity | Houston Nutraceuticals

TriEnza with DPP IV Activity | Houston NutraceuticalsTriEnza with DPP IV Activity
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Devin Houston, Ph.D., acknowledged inventor and founder of Houston Nutraceuticals, Inc, has 20 years of research experience in enzymes, receptor mechanisms, and nutritional biochemistry. HNI provides effective, safe and affordable digestive enzymes that will help your body function better... delivering direct from the scientist to the consumer.

Price: $54.90

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Thursday 8 September 2011

Temple Grandin

Temple GrandinIt doesn't take long to see that Temple Grandin, the main character in this eponymous HBO movie, is, well, different--she (in the person of Claire Danes, who plays her) tells us before the credits start that she's "not like other people." But "different" is not "less." Indeed, Grandin, who is now in her 60s, has accomplished a good deal more than a great many "normal" folks, let alone others afflicted with the autism that Grandin overcame on her way to earning a doctorate and becoming a bestselling author and a pioneer in the humane treatment of livestock. It wasn't easy. The doctor who diagnosed her at age 4 said she'd never talk and would have to be institutionalized. Only through the dogged efforts of her mother (Julia Ormond), who was told that "lack of bonding" with her child might have caused the autism, did Grandin learn to speak; to go to high school, college, and grad school; and to become a highly productive scientist, enduring the cruel taunts of her classmates and the resistance of many of the adults in her life (most of whom are shown as either narrow-minded prigs or macho, chauvinist jerks). Her lack of social skills and sometimes violent reactions to the overstimulation in her environment made it tough to fit in, to say the least. Danes, who is in nearly every scene of director Mick Jackson's film, is remarkable, embodying Grandin's various idiosyncrasies (such as talking, too loud, too fast, and too much) without resorting to caricature. Jackson does a marvelous job of depicting not only her actual accomplishments (among other things, she took the "squeeze machine" created to "gentle" upset cattle and adapted it for herself, using it to replace the hugs she never got as a child; later on, she revolutionized the systems used to prepare cows for slaughter, as well as the design of the slaughterhouses themselves), but also her more abstract talents, especially the extraordinary visual acuity that enables her to remember virtually everything she's ever seen. This is mostly Danes's film, but the whole cast is top-notch, especially Ormond, Catherine O'Hara as Temple's aunt, and David Strathairn as one of the few teachers who saw Grandin's potential. Captivating, compelling, and thoroughly entertaining, Temple Grandin is highly recommended. --Sam Graham

Price: $19.98

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Wednesday 7 September 2011

Time Timer, 3 Inch

Time Timer, 3 InchEverything you love about the Time Timer with an audible BEEP when time is up! The new audible option can be turned on or off for a purely visual experience if required. The timer can be used to solve time perception problems at all ages and ability levels. This is perfect for timed activities and for getting ready. The timer runs on battery operated quartz movement and can be free standing or hung on a wall.

Price: $21.73

Click here to buy from Amazon

Here Come the ABCs [CD/DVD Combo]

Here Come the ABCs [CD/DVD Combo]No stranger to the realm of children's records, They Might Be Giants have seen success with their CD No! and the book-and-CD combo Bed, Bed, Bed. Their latest CD, Here Come the ABCs, offers up 25 alphabetically themed songs. However, as is their charming way, the two Johns (Flansburgh and Linnell), use the letters as merely the connective tissue, allowing them to pursuit intriguing flights of fancy that consider everything from the relative power of letters and sounds to animal hijinks. Just as they've always done, there are wistful ballads and high octane rockers. TMBG have always been a family-friendly band, and this disc works just fine for adult fans, who can rightfully consider this simply their newest release. --David Greenberger

Price: $18.98

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The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-TimeMark Haddon's bitterly funny debut novel, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, is a murder mystery of sorts--one told by an autistic version of Adrian Mole. Fifteen-year-old Christopher John Francis Boone is mathematically gifted and socially hopeless, raised in a working-class home by parents who can barely cope with their child's quirks. He takes everything that he sees (or is told) at face value, and is unable to sort out the strange behavior of his elders and peers.

Late one night, Christopher comes across his neighbor's poodle, Wellington, impaled on a garden fork. Wellington's owner finds him cradling her dead dog in his arms, and has him arrested. After spending a night in jail, Christopher resolves--against the objection of his father and neighbors--to discover just who has murdered Wellington. He is encouraged by Siobhan, a social worker at his school, to write a book about his investigations, and the result--quirkily illustrated, with each chapter given its own prime number--is The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time.

Haddon's novel is a startling performance. This is the sort of book that could turn condescending, or exploitative, or overly sentimental, or grossly tasteless very easily, but Haddon navigates those dangers with a sureness of touch that is extremely rare among first-time novelists. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is original, clever, and genuinely moving: this one is a must-read. --Jack Illingworth, Amazon.ca

Price: $14.95

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Tuesday 6 September 2011

Say It! Teaching Children with Autism to Talk [VHS]

Say It! Teaching Children with Autism to Talk [VHS]This video explains the process of diagnosis and the importance of early diagnosis and interviention. It covers Austistic Disorder, Asperger Syndrome, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, Rett Syndrome, Pervasive Development Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS).

Price: $44.95

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Peltor H9A Optime 98 Over-the-Head Earmuffs

Peltor H9A Optime 98 Over-the-Head EarmuffsH9A Style: 247-H9A - Middle Connector Piece This item features: -Pivoting earcups for optimum fit. -H9A Model, high protection design, connector piece in the middle. -Works with AO Tuffmaster face protection system. -Soft seal liquid/foam filled cushions for a better seal even with eyewear. -H9P3E Model hard hat mount, high protection design. -Color: Yellow. -Quantity: 10 per case. -Style: Noise Reduction Rate (NRR):25 dB, Wt.:7 1/2lb - Price is for Each. -Style: Noise Reduction Rate (NRR):23 dB, Wt.:8lb - Price is for Each.

Price: $18.72

Click here to buy from Amazon

Monday 5 September 2011

God Is a Twelve Year Old Boy With Aspergers (Dig)

God Is a Twelve Year Old Boy With Aspergers (Dig)Brooklyn resident, comedian and really great guy (and Russian immigrant) Eugene Mirman has, among a great many other things, released two previous albums: Suicide Squeeze Records' The Absurd Nightclub Comedy of Eugene Mirman and the 2006 follow-up En Garde, Society! on Sub Pop Records. Now, three years later, The Mirm (that's what the crew on the Flight of the Conchords tour called him) is releasing the possibly offensive, but most likely charming God Is a Twelve-Year-Old Boy with Asperger's.

Price: $13.98

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New Silicone "Connecting the Pieces" Autism Awareness Jelly Bracelet

New Silicone New Silicone "Connecting The Pieces" Autism Awareness Jelly Bracelet


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Sunday 4 September 2011

Asperger Syndrome: An Owner's Manual

Work on self awareness, self esteem and independence using Asperger Syndrome: An Owner's Manual. This helpful workbook is designed for fifth through eighth grade children. It works best when a parent or teacher works through it with the child. Geared for preteens this workbook clearly describes Asperger syndrome and how it can affect daily life. Children will use this workbook to learn about their learning style, sensory issues, emotions, relationships, and more. Children will create personal profiles of different areas of their life then create plans to work on any challenges they may be facing. Encouraging and positively written use this book to guide children towards advocating for and meeting their unique needs.


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Asperger's Autism Women's Dark T-Shirt by CafePress

Asperger's Autism Women's Dark T-Shirt by CafePressOur 100% cotton women's tee is preshrunk, durable and guaranteed.5.6 oz. 100% cottonStandard fit Autism Tee, TShirt, Shirt. About our Women's Dark T-Shirt: Our 100% cotton women's tee is preshrunk, durable and guaranteed.5.6 oz. 100% cotton. Standard fit..

Price: $27.00

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Lauri Toys Early Learning Center Kit- Math Discovery

Lauri Toys Early Learning Center Kit- Math DiscoveryA hands-on kit that includes 35 soft picture tiles, 20 rubber numbers, 50 rubber counters, 26 double-sided activity mats and activity guide for counting, patterning, addition, subtraction, and more. Ages 3 yrs. +.

Price: $29.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

Saturday 3 September 2011

Earobics Step 1 Home Version: Sound Foundations for Reading & Spelling

Earobics Step 1 Home Version: Sound Foundations for Reading & SpellingEarobics is an excellent tool for teaching the phonological awareness and auditory processing skills that learning experts recognize as critical for learning how to read, speak and spell. Six fun interactive games with 309 levels deliver extensive training and practice. The software automatically adjusts to the appropriate skill level of the user based on the correctness of their responses. Earobics uses adaptive training and acoustically modified speech and carefully controls important learning variables. Designed for 2 players and a guest. Recommended for ages 4-7.

Price: $66.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

The Language Builder

The Language BuilderAn absolute essential for home and center based programs, this set was created by a parent and a therapist both personally experienced in the program needs of Applied Behavioral Analysis. This set of 350 vivid, beautifully photographed noun cards is an invaluable tool for teaching key language concepts to children with autism or other speech and language delays. The set includes images in nine basic categories: Animals, Foods, Vehicles, Furniture, Clothing, Toys, Everyday Objects, Shapes and Colors. Stage One is comprised of 105 cards that present two identical images on non-distracting white backgrounds. These basic cards foster matching, labeling and categorization skills. The remaining cards round out Stage Two, which presents the images in their natural settings, enabling children to conceptualize and generalize. In addition to fostering receptive and expressive language, these cards are also ideal for higher learning, including functions, story telling and more. On the back of each card is an easy to use system for tracking your child?s progress, including a list of possible program uses, with the date that each is introduced and mastered. Each set includes 57 foods, 39 animals, 27 vehicles, 31 clothing items, 24 furniture items, 39 familiar toys, 15 basic stages sets, 13 colors with duplicates, 12 shapes with duplicates and 83 additional objects familiar to your child. Each card is 3 1/2" by 5".

Price: $150.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

Time Timer, 8 Inch

Time Timer, 8 InchThis timer can be used to solve time perception problems at all ages and ability levels. Everything you love about the Time Timer with an audible BEEP when time is up! The 8-inch audible option can be turned on or off for a purely visual experience if required. This is perfect for timed activities and for getting ready. The timer runs on battery operated quartz movement and can be free standing or hung on a wall.

Price: $19.74

Click here to buy from Amazon

Friday 2 September 2011

How to Tell If a Child Has Aspergers Disorder - Real Life Examples in Focus

If you have spent even a brief amount of time researching Aspergers syndrome you will no doubt have come to appreciate what constitutes some of the 'classic' symptoms of Aspergers disorder. For example, children with Aspergers are said to experience impaired social functioning, difficulty forming relationships with peers, a lack of spontaneous engagement and social reciprocity, exhibit speech and linguistic irregularities, engage in stereotyped or repetitive mannerisms, and have fixations on subject matter.

That's all very well, but as a parent with the lingering concern that our child might have Aspergers syndrome, how do we move from a textbook explanation of the physiological and mental manifestations of the disorder to actually being able to identify Aspergers in our child through observation of their day to day behavior. In other words...what sort of things might our kids do that should be setting off alarm bells? What is the answer to the question how to tell if a child has aspergers?

In keeping with the various areas of development and interaction which are likely to be effected by Aspergers disorder, let's examine some real life examples of how an Aspergers child might act in certain situations:

Language Internalization and Expression

All parents have probably experienced a situation where their child, particularly young children, make inappropriate comments.

Example: Standing in line at the supermarket, your child points at the woman in front and says 'look daddy, her dress is just like our curtains!' (It's little comfort that they are right!)It is sometimes difficult to distinguish between what might be described as a child's unabashed honesty as opposed to a child displaying an inability to edit their verbal expression. However, when children grow beyond the age where they ought to begin appreciating the social appropriateness of their behavior, the persistence of this behavior becomes a concern. A child with Aspergers syndrome will often directly communicate their feelings.

Example: A child watching a school play loudly exclaims 'I'm bored. Isn't this boring?'

Adherence to a routine or sameness

Aspergers children can regularly become overwhelmed when their expectations or routines become interrupted. This can become particularly prevalent when at school, especially in the less regimented environment of play or lunch time, recess or assemblies.

Example: A child with Aspergers disorder is told during craft 'No running with scissors, no throwing of scissors'. The Aspergers child, encouraged by a peer, engages in a sword fight with the scissors, and is genuinely non-plussed as to why he subsequently gets in trouble when according to his perceptions he had not breached any of the parameters set out for him.

Example: An Aspergers child who has been taught to say 'Bless You' when someone sneezes may become distressed if their sneeze is not acknowledged accordingly.

Example: A child accustomed to eating their lunch out of their blue lunch box may refuse to enjoy a class bbq.

Restricted or Obsessive Interest - Asperger Attention Problems

Children with Aspergers syndrome tend to exhibit eccentric fascination with or fixation on topics or objects.

Example: They will talk incessantly about a topic and fail to acknowledge any disinterest on the part of their chosen audience.

Example: Perfectionist attitude to an exercise, such as repeatedly drawing, erasing, and redrawing a section of a picture, often accompanied by increasing anxiety and frustration levels as to the elusiveness of the desired outcome.

Example: Refusing to sleep until toys are aligned in a set pattern, or a regime of bedtime has been complied with (eg. bath, toilet, teeth, toys set up, story, tuck in teddy, lights out, cuddle, goodnight).

Lack of social relation, empathy, perception or etiquette

Aspergers children have difficulty comprehending that people other than themselves have motivations, thoughts, wants and needs. As a consequence, children with Aspergers can appear to possess a skewed or egocentric attitude when in actuality they may simply lack the requisite mind set to infer other people's mental states.

Example: An Aspergers child may have difficulty inferring ill intent on the part of peers, and be 'duped' into participating in inappropriate behavior.

Example: A child with Aspergers may want to play with a basketball at lunch time and will proceed to monopolize the activity without regard to the concept of sharing with others who may wish to participate.

Example: They may have difficulty self editing or internalizing thoughts. An aspergers child may have no qualms about telling a fellow student that they smell bad...that the observation may embellish some element of truth can be of little consolation to embarrassed parents.

Example: They may assume people or teachers are speaking to them and them alone. Similarly, in group activities, they may have difficulty understanding that others may not share their own views, which can precipitate frustration, anxiety and challenging behavior in a child with Aspergers.

These are just some examples of real life behavior which may be indicative of asperger symptoms. There is to some degree an appreciable overlap between what may be described as egocentricity typical of childhood development, and an extended level of disfunctionality at age inappropriate levels which are truly asperger symptoms. Learning to distinguish between the two can be the challenge for parents.

Want more information? Before spending thousands in consultancy fees, be 'in the know' by discovering insider tips about the recognition, diagnosis and treatment of Aspergers Syndrome Here

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Thursday 1 September 2011

What is Aspergers Disorder? Understanding the Nature of Aspbergers Syndrome

The question 'What is Aspergers?' can be answered expediently by way of definition: Aspergers disorder, also known as Aspbergers Syndrome or autistic psychopathy, is a neurobiological condition which falls within the group of childhood disorders classified as pervasive development disorders.

The namesake of Aspbergers disorder is Hans Asperger, a Viennese physician who in 1944 published a description of behavioral patters in male youths who displayed normal intellect and linguistic capacity but compromised social functioning and communication skills. It holds some parallels to autism, however children with Aspergers disorder rarely experience equivalent difficulties in language acquisition to those children who have autism.

Parents of children with Aspergers disorder are no longer left to ponder 'what is aspergers' insofar as it is now classified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (text revised) as being a developmental disorder of childhood. However, the symptoms of aspergers disorder in children or individuals can be problematic and concerning pre-diagnosis.

The primary features are as follows:

1. Severe impairment of social reasoning & interaction including:

A reduced appreciation of non-verbal communication, such as eye contact, body language, and facial expressions. A latency in developing age appropriate peer relationships. A lack of reciprocity, and spontaneity in engaging in shared interests with others, coupled with a notable lack of empathetic emotion.

2. Repetitive patterns of behavior including:

A pre-occupation with an interest or activity, often singular objects or parts of objects, which is extenuated by abnormal focus and intensity. Rigid adherence to routines or rituals. Repetative motor activities such as finger tapping, head motion, or more complex body movements.

What is often lacking in children with Aspergers disorder is any significant delay in general language capacity. Most children progress with normal development in infancy and are capable of communicating with phrases by the age of 3. Other children with Aspergers in fact display high degrees of functioning in specific areas, which can give rise to behavioral eccentricities. This at times can place additional emphasis on the social awkwardness of these children and serves to further alienate them from their peer group.

Similarly, Aspergers Disorder children can display normal cognitive development and the appropriation of self help skills, adaptive behavior and natural curiosity. However, basal motor coordination may be diminished, and as such children may present as somewhat clumsy, and lack coordination.

Focusing again on the question of what is Aspergers, it is noteworthy that the profession is somewhat divided as to whether Aspergers disorder equates to a form of High Functioning Autism, or whether it is more appropriately categorized as a Non-verbal Learning Disability.

Certainly the diagnosis of the condition has become more advanced, but if the question what is aspergers remains yet to be comprehensively answered, it begs the question as to how effectively it can be treated.

Want more information? Before spending thousands in consultancy fees, be 'in the know' by discovering insider tips about the recognition, diagnosis and treatment of Aspergers Syndrome Here

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My Child Has Aspergers - Now What?

For many parents, finding out that your child has aspergers syndrome can be a mixed blessing. On one hand, a positive diagnosis gives rise to the prospect of management and greater certainty as to the factors at play in your child's life. On the other, most parents are unprepared for the changes having a child with aspergers invariably brings.

We've compiled a list of the top 10 steps to take if you think your child may have aspergers disorder, or if you've had your child diagnosed with the condition.

First and foremost, permit yourself to take stock of your situation from a place of positivity. With diagnosis comes some certainty, as you and your child are now dealing with a known quantity. There's nothing wrong with taking each day at a time, and understanding that you can now make a difference to your child's life which you could not in the absence of a diagnosis. You're child has always had aspergers...the day your child recieves a diagnosis is the first step in the right direction.Invest in your own education. There is a vast quantity of information on aspergers syndrome available both online, and in the form of medical literature. Sign up for information seminars, online ecourses, and if you are looking for immediately available information give consideration to investing in an ebook written by an expert on Aspergers syndrome. Knowledge is power.Make inquiries with your doctor for a referral to a pediatrician who has experience with Asperger syndrome. Having professional assistance can make an enormous difference to how effectively you can help your child cope with Aspergers. Permit those professionals you consult to guide you through the process and make the most of their advice.If your child is at school contact the Principal and advise them of the diagnosis. Many schools are aware of and in fact provide information on Aspergers and school counselling designed to assist with the condition. In addition, ask your child's school whether they are aware of any parent workshops for aspergers students. If your child is older, homestudy and tutoring may be an option. It is important to be assertive in ensuring that your school can properly cater for your child's needs, and ideally this can be achieved by working within the school protocols. There is no need for you to underestimate your child's potential and certainly this attitude ought be reflected in their educational institution. Involve yourself where possible in your child's educational and learning environments.Make inquiries within your local community as to the support groups available for those with Asperger symdrom and for parents of children with Aspergers. Sharing your situation with others who are in a position to fully appreciate it can make an enormous difference.Contact community services and inquire as to whether you are eligable for a Carers Allowance, or Family Benefit as a parent of a child with Aspergers. Your pediatrician or general practitioner should be able to advise you on this.Contact your local Autism Association and ascertain what services are provided through the service. Make use of private and government resourced services.Involve your family in the process and do your best to maintain objectivity. A child with Aspergers disease may have certain special and additional needs, however they are for the most well functioning individuals who can thrive with appropriate and measured care. Try and maintain a balance between focusing on providing that care, and being a spouse and parent to the rest of your family.Be honest with yourself. At times rearing a child with Aspergers can cause you anger, sadness, anxiety, frustration and depression. Be open to understanding that you will at times feel all these feelings, and allow that authenticity to give rise to the possibility that you will take care of your own needs. In doing so, you can more effectively tend to the needs of others. Don't feel the need to explain or justify your actions to others. However you cope with the situation is exactly the way you are supposed to.Remember to smile. You have a child. One day...they just might be the ones looking after you.

Want more information? Before spending thousands in consultancy fees, be 'in the know' by discovering insider tips about the recognition, diagnosis and treatment of Aspergers Syndrome Here

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Treating Asbergers - Key Steps to the Treatment of Asbergers Disease

Whilst there is not a 'cure' for Aspergers syndrom in the sense of an instantaneous solution, the good news is that there are ways of treating asbergers. Successful Asperger treatment focuses on addressing the three core symptoms of the disease, namely:

- Poor linguistic and communication skills - Fixated or obsessive compulsions - Physical ineptitude.

Most physicians advocate adapting a regime of treatment to the specific needs of each child rather than applying a static method of treating Asbergers. This may involve a period of analysis being undertaken as a precursos to treatment, however most professionals concur that early intervention can be key to successful asberger treatments.

Asberger treatments may include a range of methods such as increasing social skills, medication, and cognitive behavioral therapy.

An effective Asperger treatment program will also incorporate learned behavioral improvements which can be implemented with the assistance of parents, teachers and peers. Treating Aspergers in this manner includes:

- Teaching tasks as a series of steps, such as a story series, including a clearly defined conclusion. - Building on a child's focus or interest whilst setting appropriate boundaries for an Aspergers child's enthusiasm. - Ensuring the provision of a predictable regime for your child to encourage certainty and stability. - Engaging the child's attention in structured activities. - Positive reinforcement of appropriate behavior.

Whilst children with Aspergers may continue to find social adaptations and the intricacies of interpersonal relationships difficult, with appropriate treatment they can learn the skills necessary to cope into adulthood without the associated implications of anxiety and depression so frequently displayed by adults with Aspergers syndrome.

Adults with Aspergers syndrome can continue to live without becoming dissociated, and are able to be active and valuable contributors in mainstream society who are able to maintain their independence.

As people with Aspergers have normal life expectancy, it highlights the benefits of treating asbergers even if such treatment may never be a cure.

Want more information? Before spending thousands in consultancy fees, be 'in the know' by discovering insider tips about the recognition, diagnosis and treatment of Aspergers Syndrome Here

View the original article here

Wednesday 31 August 2011

Asperger's Syndrome Symptoms - Is There Such a Thing As Asperger's Syndrome Treatment?

Asperger's Syndrome Symptoms can be as varied as they are wide, but that is of little assistance to those who are trying to recognize or diagnose Aspergers in a child, loved one, or themselves.

So what are some of the classic Asperger's Syndrome Symptoms?

Symptoms during childhood

Parents often first notice the symptoms of Asperger's syndrome during preschool years when their child begin to interact with their peer group and teachers. The following are some typical symptoms in children to be aware of:

Being unable to pick up on social cues such as body language, eye contact, and maintaining a meaningful conversation. A distinct dislike for changes in routine. An apparent lack of social empathy, often mistaken for age appropriate egocentric tendencies (most kids believe they are the centre of their own universes). An inability to differentiate between changes in speech tone, pitch and accent that would otherwise convey a change in meaning. Aspergers children are apt to adopt the literal over the inferred. Exhibiting a formalized, ritualistic speech seemingly advanced for their age. Your child may seem like 'the little professor'. Unusual facial expressions and delayed motor development. A pre-occupation with interests. This can often be difficult to distinguish from typical adolescent fascination. Look for an almost fanatically engrossed interest and knowledge base in subject matter to the exclusion of others, often spoken about. Sensory integration dysfunction manifested by a heightened sensitivity to external stimuli such as noises, lights or strong tastes.

Whilst the condition is in some ways similar to autism, children with Aspergers often display normal to advanced language and intellectual development but latent social skills. Aspergers children are often described (somewhat unfairly) as 'smart kids with autism'.

Symptoms during adolescent and teen years

Many Asperger's syndrome symptoms persist through adolescence and teen years, and whilst rote learning can assist Asperger's sufferers in dealing with social situations, communication often still remains difficult. Teens with Aspergers often feel shy, or intimidated by social situations and approaching their peer group. They may be aware of their lack of acceptance but unsure as to the reasons why. This can trigger feelings of anxiety, of being 'different', and in extended circumstances, depression.

Often trying to 'fit in' may evoke feelings of frustration and be emotionally draining for teens with Asperger's. Their genuine nature may result in their being the subject of bullying.

If these are the symptoms of Aspergers how do we go from diagnosis to treatment? Whether your child is displaying Asperger's syndrome symptoms in early or later years, there are increasingly advanced methods to effectively deal with the symptoms typical of the disorder and avoid the pitfalls which historically have been indicative of the condition. Many are grounded in utilising rote learning of what might ordinarily be intuitive or naturally developed social growth and awareness. The use of pre-taught responses to certain situations can assist in the reduction of anxiety responses. There are in fact a large number of strategies which can be implemented to effectively deal with almost all situations arising out of Aspergers disorder, and whilst the time investment in overcoming the disorder can be significant, the life quality expectations of the sufferer can be equally advanced.

Want more information? Before spending thousands in consultancy fees, be 'in the know' by discovering insider tips about the recognition, diagnosis and treatment of Aspergers Syndrome Here

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Symptoms of Asbergers Syndrome - an Answer to the Question "Does My Child Have Aspergers?"

How to determine if your child has Aspergers.

Aspergers Syndrome is a neurological condition which is categorized by virtue of it's qualitative impairment in social and behavioral functioning. The symptoms of Aspergers Syndrome, whilst varied, are frequently encapsulated by a distinct, severe and prolonged impairment in social interaction, peculiarities in communication, and an emphasis on repetitive routines or ritualized patterns of behavior.

Whilst there is typically no differentiation in developments such as preliminary linguistic skills, adaptive behavior and self assertiveness in children suffering from aspergers syndrome, parents may recognize latency in motor coordination in young children as a preliminary indication of the condition.

Often parents are simply able to sense that their child's development doesn't accord either with their past experience with child rearing, or their own children's peer group. When the cause for this derivation is unclear, it can be a source of ongoing concern. The concern is a valid one. Many children with aspergers are demonstrably active in early childhood, but as their difficulties with socialization and communication persist into adulthood, they can experience associated psychiatric conditions, and depression.

Recognizing Aspergers Syndrome Behavior

By having some knowledge of what the classic symptoms of aspergers syndrome are, it's possible to ascertain whether your child is exhibiting them to a degree which might necessitate seeking a professional diagnosis.

With children grown beyond infancy, two of the more marked aspergers syndrome symptoms are firstly, the repetitive stereotyped patters of behavior, and secondly, a qualitative impairment in social interactions. The manifestation of these respective symptoms can be recognized as follows:

Impairment In Social Functioning

Children with aspergers syndrome may exhibit a clear difficulty in developing age appropriate relationships with their peer group, and demonstrate an aversion to the use of non-verbal communication cues, such as eye contact, facial expressions, or body language. Similarly, they will have difficulty deciphering such cues, and to that degree operate without the benefit of the integral ability most of us unconsciously apply to all our day to day interactions. To use an example, sarcasm may well be lost on an aspergers child, as will variations in tones and speech patters. They will find inferential reasoning, general problem solving and abstract concepts taxing.

A child's level of spontaneous engagement in shared interests and social activities can be a further symptom of aspegers syndrome. Often children with aspergers syndrome can be animated in their discussion but demonstrate a lineal focus on topics of interest to them, almost to the point that their communication seems eccentric, or at times inappropriate. An asperger child's apparent inability to reciprocate a shared interest goes beyond what might be described as age appropriate egocentricity.

An individual with aspergers syndrome may also lack obvious capacity for empathy, and this inability to appreciate the emotions of others serves, perhaps unfairly, to reinforce their social awkwardness insofar as their behavior is outwardly perceived. Speech and linguistic irregularities such as stilted, formal or monotone language may also be an indication of aspergers syndrome behavior.

Repetitive Patterns Of Behavior

An all-encompassing pre-occupation with a topic to the exclusion of others is one of the more distinguished symptoms of aspegers syndrome. A sufferer's obsession can lead some children to become fixated on a particular item or topic. Frequently the child will want to know everything relating to their interest, and may develop what can objectively appear to be an admirable knowledge base in relation to it. However, in discussion, facts or explanations may be divulged with incessant randomness, and an obvious point or direction in the dialogue is at times absent.

Another form of aspergers syndrome behavior are stereotyped repetitive motor mannerisms, such as hand or finger movements, and an inflexibility to changes in their routine. A pre-occupation beyond normal levels of curiosity in parts of larger objects may be one of the symptoms of aspergers.

Being able to recognize asperger syndrome symptoms can be an important factor in early diagnosis, treatment and behavior management. Unlike the subjective withdrawal characteristically associated with autism, people with aspergers syndrome are vulnerable to becoming isolated as a consequence of their underdeveloped social skills. This is notwithstanding any desire they may in fact have for continued interaction with their peers.

Taking Notice Of The Signs

For parents, teachers, or those otherwise concerned with the care, welfare and development of a child who may be suffering from aspergers, the above behavioral considerations become integral in not simply classifying a child as a 'bad' child. Aspergers syndrome may co-exist with other conditions, including Attention Defecit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), anxiety, or Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD). Proper diagnosis can assist in waylaying the development of anxiety or depression associated with aspergers syndrome.

Want more information? Before spending thousands in consultancy fees, be 'in the know' by discovering insider tips about the recognition, diagnosis and treatment of Aspergers Syndrome Here

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Aspergers's Syndrome Adult - Should You Have to Explain Yourself?

Picture this scenario.

Tom and Brad have been friends for their entire life. They are the same age, both adults, and work together. They are in the middle of a conversation that has been going for almost 30 minutes during their lunch break, both are talking animatedly and both are clearly comfortable.

With about 20 minutes of lunch hour left, a work colleague who is a friend of Brad approaches their table and joins the conversation. But now only Brad and their colleague are talking. Tom has become quiet, withdrawn, and speaks only twice in the next 15 minutes, once to say goodbye.

If this is a scenario familiar to you then you'll appreciate that Aspergers Syndrome in an adult can result in some complex emotions arising out of even simple social situations. At times speaking to one person seems fantastic, but when an unknown quantity is added to the equation feelings of shyness and withdrawal take over. Worse still, often this creates feelings of frustration (why am I being so quiet?) or guilt (they think I don't like them) or self doubt (even if I did speak, I'd be forcing it and I'll be ignored). There can be a prevailing sense of needing to explain yourself, but not wanting to, or being unable to. The reality is, you shouldn't have to either.

Coming to terms with this type of predicament becomes far easier when considering whether the issue is not one of shyness, but a lack of control. An unfamiliar person creates a situation of uncertainty. Being in unfamiliar territory can feel uncomfortable. Which ever way you approach it, the issue is one of a lack of control creating unwanted feelings.

But since adult Asbergers sufferers can't always control their environment, what can be done? A huge advantage is being able to recognize the reason for feelings of anxiety, shyness or a sense of withdrawal for what they are, and why they are causing a certain response to a particular situation. Being able to consciously accept what is happening and understanding why you are reacting a certain way to a situation can at least provide some internal control. The next step is being able to actually use that internal control to help express yourself externally the way you want to, rather than the way you might otherwise do.

Want more information? Before spending thousands in consultancy fees, be 'in the know' by discovering insider tips about the recognition, diagnosis and treatment of Aspergers Syndrome Here

View the original article here

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Coping With Aspergers Syndrome - Top 5 Factors to Safeguard Your Child's Welfare

Asperger's syndrome can constitute a challenging, and at times lonesome disorder for both children and their parents. Inherent in the disorders nature are difficulties associated with socializing and communicating with your toddler. Problems children have with peer communication and associated social behavior can also entail less play dates and birthday invitations. It can result in additional and frequently unwanted public scrutiny from those who simply do not understand that a child's meltdown constitutes part of an impairment, and is not the consequence of "defective parenting."

Fortuitously, as Aspergers syndrome acquires widespread identification and attention, sources of assistance for parents of sufferers are becoming more prolific. The following comprises some suggestions as to how to start actively coping with Aspergers in your family:

Acquire knowledge about the disorder. As a stark comparison to even a decade ago, many pediatricians are well versed with Asperger's syndrome and the elements pertaining to a positive diagnosis. In addition, there are numerous books and internet sites committed to the disorder. Take the time to undertake the research so as to better understand the challenges being faced by your child, and the variety of services in your school district and community that may provide respite and assistance.Learn to understand your child. The symptoms of Asperger's syndrome may follow a broad pattern but will be different for every child, and often depending on the circumstances in which the child finds themselves. Often your child may struggle to verbalize their struggle, or fully comprehend much less rationalize the reasons for their behaviour. However, with time and perseverance, you will be able to interpret which situations and environmental triggers are causing difficulties for your child. This in turn will assist in establishing and which coping strategies work. Consider the use of a diary to elucidate patterns in behavior or recurring problems.Aquaint yourself with relevant local professionals. Their advice will be integral in making key decisions in relation to your child's welfare, treatment and education. Use the advice available from those professionals and where possible, school counselors and teachers, to evaluate the options you have to develop a regime which can be most beneficial to your child. Contact social services and ask to have explained the federal regulations and potential benefits concerning children with impairments.As many children have no overt signs of a disability, you will need to pro-actively advise and at times educate other family members, parents, and other adults involved with your child as to your child's special needs. This can avoid situations which may arise by virtue of a misunderstanding or miscommunication, which can nevertheless promote anxiety in your child, and otherwise exacerbate the difficulties your child may already be experiencing.Assist your child in the challenge of creating passion from obsession. A typical behavior symptomatic of Aspergers disorder is the tendency to become fixated on a topic of narrow scope. This can prove frustrating and at times distracting to those upon whom your child's incessant discussion is influcted. However, an intense focus can also invigorate a child's connection to their education or social network. Frequently, this focus can enable a child to form lifelong pursuits of activities which permit them to actively contribute to their peer group, which in turn can ameliorate the isolation frequently experienced by individuals with Asbergers, and associated feelings of depression.

Want more information? Before spending thousands in consultancy fees, be 'in the know' by discovering insider tips about the recognition, diagnosis and treatment of Aspergers Syndrome Here

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Managing Aspergers Syndrome Behavior

For many, the proper diagnosis of Aspergers Syndrome may give rise to the larger problem of how to manage Aspergers syndrome behavior.

There are guidelines which can be of assistance in establishing practices designed to help those with aspergers syndrome develop skills which can lessen the impact of the disorder. These include the following:

Teaching basic skills and concepts should be undertaken with sufferes of aspergers syndrome in an explicit and deliberate manner with an explanation as to how the parts fit into a larger whole.Social awareness may need to be instructively promoted rather than intuitively learned, with focus being given to specific examples of appropriate behavior in discreet situations. A clear emphasis on the difference between the perceptions of a person with aspergers syndrome as distinct from others should be explained.Regular visitation of problem solving techniques, with a focus on providing step-by-step strategies to effectively recognise and deal with common everyday difficulties.The practice of simultaneously interpreting visual and auditory stimuli should be cultivated with a view to assisting an aspergers syndrome sufferer in classifying non-verbal behavior, and understanding how that behavior correlates with verbal communication. The implications of eye-contact, non-verbal communication such as hand gestures, facial expression, and obvious body language should be explored. Changes in tone, inflection, and figurative language should be instructed broadly, with increasing specificity over time.Self sufficiency may be enhanced by increasing the adaptive skills of those with aspergers syndrome. Rote learning of specific activities, such as travel or meeting strangers, should be verbally instructed and rehersed in order that sequential repetition can give rise to learned behavior. Subsequent reinforcement of those routines should be undertaken by coordination and communication with those responsible for the indivuals ongoing care, welfare and development. Consistency in routine will be a significant factor in it's assimilation by the individual into behavior patters.Self awareness and evaluation may need to be independently encouraged to both enable individuals with aspergers syndrome to percieve appropriate behavior in different social circumstances, and to assist with self esteem when such situations are successfully managed. Again, pre-learned strategies applied in practice to specific examples will compliment the cognitive abilities of those with aspergers.The establishment of a 'safety-net' for circumstances where an aspergers syndrome individual encounters a novel situation should be implemented, with a pre-planned course of action to be undertaken.The link between certain anxiety provoking experiences and resulting feelings of frustration and depression should be explicitly taught in a 'cause and effect' manner in order to engender within the aspergers syndrome individual some insight into their own emotions. This can also assist in gaining empathetic response by enabling the individual to have some awareness of the feelings of others. The individual with aspergers syndrome should be encouraged to monitor their own speach patters, and be instructed as to the interpretation which others may place upon it.To assist with age-appropriate communication with their peer group, aspergers syndrome individuals may be assisted by instructions on how to manage topics of discussion, the importance of topic expansion, closing discussions, and gaining comfort in mutual engagement.Ultimately, a combination of learned behavior may be explored to establish guidelines to prevent disruptive behavior, assist in more intuitive decision making, and participate in open forms of communication.

The integration of these types of behavior management strategies can be assisted by their coordination both in the home, and in the case of children, at school. With proper management and professional assistance, a pro-active and integrated approach to managing aspergers syndrome behavior can be of both short term and long term benefits to those afflicted by it.

Want more information? Before spending thousands in consultancy fees, be 'in the know' by discovering insider tips about the recognition, diagnosis and treatment of Aspergers Syndrome Here

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